Who's the teacher?

I am Kaio José Silva Maluf Franco
It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you on this subject English at Ariston Gomes of Silva Military Police of Goiás State College. I am sure it will be an great opportunity to gain interesting knowledge for our intellectual qualification, human formation and global communication.

I am Kaio José Silva Maluf Franco, known in the educational and social environment as Kaio Maluf. Resident in Iporá since 2010. I had graduate in Philosophy Course on the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2007), Lato Sensu specialist in Financial Management and Controllership by the Salgado of Oliveira University campus Goiânia (2009) and a Master's in Education by the Federal University of Jataí (2016). I am studying for a Doctorate degree in Education by the Stricto Senso at the Federal University of Goiás in Goiânia (2020-2023). I took a basic course in Music: Bass and Adult Choral Singing by the Veiga Valle Art School in Goiânia (2004). I work as a teacher of Political Science and State's Theory, Philosophy of the Law and Sociology of the Law at the Faculty of Iporá in the Bachelor in Law since 2017. I have been an effective teacher at the State Education in Goiás State, since 2010, loted at Ariston Gomes da Silva Goiás State Military Police College, where I work History, English and Philosophy. I have already worked at the Full-Time Teaching Center of Application in Iporá GO, from 2017 to 2018; before that date I worked at Ariston Gomes of Silva State College in Iporá from 2010 to 2016 the subjects of the Human Sciences. I worked as a Collaborating Teacher in the Lato Senso Postgraduate Course in Humanities Teaching at the Federal Institute of Goiás, Campus Iporán mmn b, teaching the Advanced Topics in Philosophy discipline from 2018 to 2019. I worked as a teacher of the Sociology of Education, History of Education, Latin Language, Anthropology, Management of the basic education, Educational Policies and Diversity, Citizenship and Rights at the State University of Goiás Campus Iporá in teacher training courses from 2010 to 2019. I develop research related to the following thematic: 1. Policies for valuing and / or training teachers; 2. NeoLiberalism and Education; 3. Methodology for teaching philosophy and / or sociology in Basic Education; 3. Philosophy and Social Sciences applied to Law.
See my curriculum lattes:


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